Joi Donaldson

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7 Questions for Ashley Cobb

Imma give it to you straight: Ashley Cobb don’t play about shit. That shit being: outdated mindsets towards and about sex, gender roles, sexual expectations, wack sex and pity moans. Fall into the gravity of her Facebook page and community and you’ll find spirited conversations with folk from all walks of life. Ashley is never with the negativity bullshit and I’m happy I got to chat with her about it.

1. Share a lazy misconception about sex educators.

A lazy misconception is that sex educators are freaks and porn stars when, in actuality, we are regular people with regular sex lives.

2. What’s harder: navigating dating sites or navigating comment sections?

Definitely dating sites. I hate online dating.

3. Define trailblazer.

A trailblazer is someone who fearlessly follows their own path unapologetically.

4. Grade the last porn scene you watched?

I love amateur porn; it’s more authentic. The last porn scene I watched was definitely B+

5. How have conversations about sex evolved within black women circles since you created your brand? How far have we come and are we on the right track?

Since I’ve created my brand, I have found that by sharing my sex stories, I created a safe space for other women to share their stories. Women seem to be more relaxed around me and happy to have someone who looks like them that they can relate to.

6. Somehow, all the batteries for every toy in your possession have died, including the rechargeable ones. Do you tell Netflix you’re still watching or do you hunt for batteries/chargers?

I need my batteries, Netflix can wait lol.

7. What do you have in the works that the world should know about?

I recently launched my CBD sexual wellness company, Bedtanicals. Our products are made specifically for women’s pleasure. Check them out at

Ashley Cobb is a "Sexfluencer"  and sex educator whose goal is to help women create more intimate, exciting, fulfilling sex lives. She teaches women how to feel comfortable discussing their sexual desires as well as releasing all the negative B.S. that holds them back from experiencing the best sex imaginable.

Find + follow Verandah on all her socials below:

Facebook: Sex with Ashley

IG: @sexwithashley
