for the rest of your days
There are moments in life when you're not expecting anything. Things are still. You feel a rumble from deep within and you can't tell if it's a premonition or lunch. You stare glassy-eyed into a computer screen, wishing time would stop playing with your feelings. During the millionth pass in a FB group, you come across a vid that hits a nerve you thought was dormant. One which you swore had escaped you months prior with a song that hasn't left your lips. This, is such a vid.
I haven't been to church in some time: I've spent most of the last two and a half years unlearning and redefining much of my Christian upbringing.
This took me back to Sunday morning worship and Monday night rehearsal. I found my note and modulated. I threw an open hand towards the sky. I Baptist hummed-and-waved. Durand Bernarr took me to church in 8+ minutes where the sermon is one that's been on my heart heavy. I'm no longer on the sick and shut in list. I's free, Ms Celie.
Turn to your neighbor say, "Neighbor, fuck these niggas."
Amen? Amen.