7 Questions for Ka'lyn Coghill


Ka’lyn is your grandmother’s favorite. She’s the cousin that, when she chooses to come to the function, makes the function worthwhile. She’s the professor that got you through that last semester by not coddling you, but by lighting a fire both under your ass and bright enough to give you a peek down the road. I got to chop it up with her recently. Keep reading to learn more about the Dr.

1. For those underneath many stones, who is Ka’lyn?

I am a professor and self-care coach. I don’t really have an elaborate monologue about myself anymore. You have to meet me to know me. 

2. What does the perfect piece of art look like?

No such thing as the perfect anything. Art is subjective and everchanging based on our moods and environment. 

3. In what ways can support be performative? How can it be more organic? 

I think that depends on the person needing support. We have to advocate for ourselves and be able to ask for what we need. That is how you avoid performative support in my opinion. 

4. If all the world went blank, how would you rewrite humanity’s story?

I wouldn’t. I don’t want that much power.

5. Define redemption.

Redemption, to me, is the act of holding yourself accountable while doing the work to rebuild everything.

6. What happens at Pine Camp?

Dance classes and dance battles but I am not sure because I haven’t been there since the early 2000s.

7. What do you have in the works that the world should know about?

Y’all will see when the time is right. I can’t give the tea. 

Ka’lyn Coghill is a teacher and a social scientist in many ways. In the classroom, she brings together real-life experiences, sociolinguistics and research with a compassionate touch. Overall, she teaches students how to be more effective communicators and active listeners. Outside of the classroom, Ka’lyn provides information on imposter syndrome, online harassment towards Black women and self-care coaching.

Ka’lyn offer spiritual services in the form of oracle and tarot which allows her to connect with many on a deeper level. 

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