7 Questions for Vee Maureen


Some people enter your life via IP Addresses. A slide down a timeline can change the course of both of your lives. I met Verandah Maureen-Shepard through Tumblr, back when it was poppin, around 2010. I don’t remember which post of hers drew me into the vibe, but when I emerged, I was a stronger writer, a better slanger of hashtags, a stronger social media presence. I was also an even bigger fan. Nearly ten years, 3 more social media site followings, 2 moves to new homes across the country and 1 signed book later, I have the pleasure of interviewing THEE Vee Maureen.

1. 2 truths and a lie. Go.

A. I was primed to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge once, but then I remembered that I knew how to swim and would probably begin to when life preservation instincts kicked in— so I didn’t commit suicide on that day. 

B. I was briefly on a television series as a child back home in NYC. It only came on local TV but was once was featured on NY1. My parents recorded the segment and still talk about it to this day. 

C. I hold no certifications as an educator. I just be out here educating.

2. The year is 2011. The world is tense. A Renaissance is approaching. Tell us how you clear the path.

By dropping “The Renaissance”, [/shameless plug go check the website end of plug] of course. Spoiler alert: and it completely changes my life. That path was cleared understanding that there was no turning back, there was no more hiding— to a point, and that there is worthiness to be made of my existence. There were tears. A lot. There were stomachs full of barely formed butterflies struggling to fly and crashing everywhere. There was fear as potent as bile. The world would never be the same.

3. With whom would you share your last dollar? To whom would you give your last f###?

Well, I am getting married in March and he already has my last nerve so that’s as good as my last anything [/eyeroll] However, in my journey of self I’m learning that “last-anything” is living in a place of scarcity and lack. The idea that I have run out of abundance as an abundant being no longer serves me as a thought-feeling-action-result pattern. Instead, I like to go about my days truly believing that what I deplete in one day, will replenish by the next simply because I have the power to manifest the things that I need and the kind of life I want to live. I always choose abundance.

4. A genre of music that’s vastly overplayed, one that’s hugely overlooked and why.

“Mumble rap” sure is a thing now. Not sure if other people use the term or if I’m alone here. You know, your Futures and Migos and [/honestly every/anyone else who sound like them because I’m so out of touch with the teenyboppers these days] It’s a bit played and got quite boring quite quick. But here’s where I put folks on— Future Funk and Vaporwave. Just trust me here. Start with Artzie Music and thank me later. My favorite song right now is “Remember Summer Days” If on YouTube you search “Anri Remember Summer Days Macross” you should see a sun setting scene. The song is dope. I also think we don’t listen to enough instrumentals in life. Super underrated, overlooked and underplayed.

5. When choosing the simulation, what show would you choose to write yourself into? What are your character’s traits? What hijinks may ensue?

Easy. I’d write myself into Lawndale. I’m not quite Jodi and I’m not quite Daria, but I’m the sickest hybrid of the two who makes the most sense for today. My lofty dream, the thing I would pause my whole life to do, and probably without pay, is to lend my voice to the Simpsons. It is goals. Everyone who is anyone has been on the Simpsons. It’s such a status symbol. But my opinion is biased because I’m obsessed with the Simpsons.

6. Is it really the water that makes New York bagels superior?

This is an excellent question that I personally wouldn’t know the answer to. Most folks from Brooklyn [/like myself] go to the corner store for a baconeggncheese on a bagel and most of the time, those bagels are from who knows where but they’re Godly. The folks [/read as: kinds of folks] who are out there paying over 5 and 6 dollars for a bagel... well, we won’t talk about them. New York *City bagels are superior because New York *City is superior. The *city part is important. A lot of people know why.

7. What do you have in the works that the world should know about?

So, the elephant in the room is “when is Verandah Maureen going to finish “Suite Life”?” The answer to that is, “soon”. The fact that about 1/5 of the project has already been released is my promise and proof that I’m not going to leave this one hanging. I’ve still got so much more to say. SO much more. But there are some other writings that I’m looking to explore in 2020 and those ideas excite me. Some creative, some self-exploratory— just know that I’ve been charged to get my act together this year and get back to writing and I’m going to do just that. 

But first, I’ve got one professional flex to try and see through to the end.

Vee Maureen is a Brooklyn native, adopted Texan Verandah Maureen, the twice published recording and performance poet is a transformational urban educator and a proud cat mom of one. Catch her on the internet sharing memes, talking about nonsense, and being a free creative thinker. Message her sometime. She talks back.

Find + follow Verandah on all her socials below:

Twitter: iVyDeMilo

IG: veemaureen

FB: Facebook.com/veemaureen

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