Ask Your Ancestors if This Vibrator is Right for You


About a year ago in a FB group I’m in, a post about petitioning the ancestors for sex slid across my screen.

You read that right. Petitioning the ancestors for SECKS. Somewhere an elder folded their arms in disgust off GP.


But I figured what could it hurt? We petition our folk for money, influence, support, so why not gut-beating. They see the whole picture now and watching their deprived descendants fake-moan and meander through subpar lays gotta make a throat dry with tears.

Because at the time I wasn’t ready for anybody’s son, I simply took the question to my altar where my maternal grandmother is positioned. I started out flowery with pomp and circumstance. Have you ever sensed metaphysical eye-rolling? Sucking teeth behind the veil? I heard her say, "stop trying so hard." Only then could I look her in her eyes and say, "Nonee, I need sex. Someone who wants to witness me bloom and not hold me back. I want to get to know myself better sexually. I want to explore. I want someone who idolizes my body and makes my orgasm as high priority as I do". There’s so much to this ask. Some audacity. Some breaking of chains. The desire to course-correct how sex has been for me and how it can now be. With that, I left it up to the dead folk. A couple hours later, the below happened and was posted about in said group:

Captain’s Log. March 2019.

I'm currently home for the weekend (Richmond, VA) and I've been in a low-level horny mood for a few days. I was driving to the sex shop and at the last minute decided to call it a night and head to my hotel instead. My folk were like NAH. I was told to go back to the store and get what I wanted.

As I've grown in my practice, I've learned I'm a cheap hoe. I love a deal/clearance racks/Goodwill so much I will talk myself out of spending money out of fear of losing it. You know, the whole "hold on to something so tightly you suffocate it" thought paradigm. I've also always had body issues and felt (and sometimes still feel) shame about self-pleasure. Anyway, I find this BEAUTIFUL rose gold vibrator that, to me, is too far out of my budget. I've never spent more than $40 for a toy and even that felt like a splurge. In that moment, I distinctly hear "this is why you're not connected to your self-love. You keep putting cheap shit on your pussy".

Welp, that's that on that. I walk out with that vibrator and a jade-colored one that literally called out to me. 
I plan on indulging in the littest sex magic sesh I've ever had, all because my Egun wouldn't let me play myself on playing with myself 😏. 
Thanks, fam.

My ancestral aunt has no chill and I owe her everything for that lack of AC energy.


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